Saturday, September 18, 2010

To The Dad

Hey Dad, i hope your birthday was real good. It would have been nice to give you somethin big. Thanks for all that you do for me and for all of us kids. You taught me a lot of things dad, but one thing i think that i really learned from watching you is that you always try to make others happy. You always taught us to be nice and to not fight. I'm so glad you are my dad.

You have also always been the best source for some laughs. If we ever needed anyone to make fun of you always came through with something. You are such a fun guy to be around. Thanks for always making us laugh. You always used to do things with me when i was little. I'd always go to the store with you and help you do whatever you were doing. You'd always let me help you steer the car even when i was pretty little. Thanks for always wanting to do fun things with me, i never really remember you telling me that you were too busy for me or anything like that. I could always ask you to do something and you'd be right there to do it with me.

I don't know why dad, but i'm just having a hard time saying what i want to say. There are lots of things you've done for me and memories of you being a great dad. Its hard for me to express to you how valuable you have been in my life. Thank you for all the help you gave me. You didn't get mad at me or yell at me. When i made my mistakes you just wanted to help me. You did help me a whole lot dad. There were times when i really needed a dad to help direct me and tell me that i was still ok and i could make everything right. I'm glad you were there to help me with my struggles in life dad. I owe you lots for all you've done for me.

Thanks for being a great example dad. I wish things could have been easier for you in life as a dad. You had a hard time sometimes with jobs and stuff like that and i'm glad you are the man you are to get through it anyway.

I'd like to be able to say more, but 1, i have to go to work, and 2, i have to go to work. But, i love you dad. I could say thanks a whole lot more times but it wouldn't really do the trick. I hope you know that i love you and your family loves you. I would do anything to help you if you needed. You've always been there for me and i always want to follow your example and be there for you. Thanks for teaching me the gospel and what is right and wrong. I wouldn't have ended up where i am now without you buddy. I know you wondered sometimes when i made mistakes in life if there was something you did wrong as a dad. You did a great job as a dad though, and i owe you.

I love you dad. I'm glad you are my friend. I'm glad we can do things together. Have a great birthday time, and be good.
love, Geoff


Mindy said...

amen. :)

Ken - Tam said...

Thanks for all you said. You are a funny boy.