Wednesday, April 28, 2010

To Brenda

So, I was going to write this last night when I got home from work, but nobody else had written yet, so I didn't want to be the first one, so now I'm the last one.

Brenda, I've really enjoyed living so close to you for the last few years.  It has been great to be able to get to know you better and spend more time with you.  It has meant a lot to me.  I always liked coming to visit you before, either in Death Valley or Logan, but I don't think we were nearly as close as we are now.

I love having you on our softball team.  The main reason I like to have a team is to have people I want to spend time with on it.  It's a lot of fun for me to have you and Geoff play with us.  It also means a lot to me that you come and spend time with us after games whenever we go get something to eat or whatever.  I know it probably isn't always completely convenient for you to come, but you do every time.  I know that you know that it means a lot to me too, and that's partly why you do it.  Thank you for that.  Many times it is just you, me, and Dallas. 

I appreciate that you are always willing to help us.  Thanks for helping us watch Donovan when I had school and Dallas was still working.  I don't know what we would have done otherwise.  You are always willing to help anyone that needs help.  That is a great quality to have.

So, I'm thanking you a lot, but thanks for supporting me (or anyone else in the family) when I plan stuff for us to do.  This is similar to my softball thanking, but it means a lot to me too.  It is nice that you are willing to make family activities a priority.  I know that is not always easy to do.  I think it has helped our family grow closer together.

I think you and I share some of the same personality traits, and I feel like I can relate to you because of some of those.  We are both loyal, we both care about supporting other peoples efforts, we've both struggled with many things in our life not going the way we would have planned, we both struggle to feel accepted, and we both share the same super awesomeness.

I hope you have a great day, and I hope you know how much I appreciate you.  Happy birthday.  I love you.


1 comment:

Brenda said...

Thanks Jason! I have loved living nearer to you guys too, and I look forward to when you're not so busy with school and we can get together more. I love you lots!