I hope you have a very happy birthday, Brenda. You were a beautiful baby, and a darling little girl. You were always the funniest, too, and kept us all laughing. Even at the age of two you could carry on a lively conversation, and argue with the best of them. When we lived in Midvale we would find you "talking" on the phone, or sitting on the potty. Often you fell into the toilet when climbing on, since you potty trained yourself at age 18 months. You'd let Jason lead you around the yard, your little hand in his.
When I was expecting Adam, you were only four; but you helped me a great deal. Almost every day you'd sing "The sun will come out tomorrow..." And one day when I was having a difficult time, you said, "I know it's hard to be pregnant, but it's better than adopting." Every day you told me, "I love you, Mom." Thanks for your sweetness and caring.
You have lots of good qualities. You are a very kind person, always thinks of others, does not want anyone left out. You think of kind things to do, like take a meal to someone who might be in need, send money to a poor child in another country, help feed the homeless, etc. You are very thoughtful when you buy gifts for someone, or organize a family get-together, or call on the phone just to chat. A quality you have, which I would like to emulate, is that you don't say unkind things about other people. You are willing to forgive and forget. Thanks for forgiving me. You are a very patient mom, at least when I've seen you interact with your children.
We have had some fun times together, and some difficult times, too. Thanks for the sweet notes and letters you would write to me. I saved them all. We love you with all our hearts.
Love, Mom
1 comment:
Thanks Mom! You sure know how to make a girl feel good on her birthday. I love you!
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