Saturday, June 5, 2010

belicia, wife poo

happy birthday honey. i have missed you all day today while i've been working. thats one of my favorite things about you, i never get sick of you. you are always so fun to be with. no matter what we are doing its almost always fun. when i get home from work i'll put a picture of you on here so look again later. its the first picture i ever saw of you before i even met you. you look so pretty in this picture. the first time i met you i could tell you were different. the good different that i like, and someone i can be with. thanks for putting up with me all these many years and giving me so many good memories. you have so many good qualities and you probably don't even know about alot of them. sorry i couldn't make your birthday really special, i know you love fun birthdays. i feel bad i had to work. i hope you have had a good birthday anyway. i love you wife poo. we are meant to be. ps, its dus you're birthday. love deffy

1 comment:

Felicia H. said...

Thanks sweetie I love you you are the best.